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Ever have a Wagon Wheel?

Born and raised in Alberta, Canada our marshmellow, biscuit and chocolate covered treat was and is named the Wagon Wheel.

I remember opening the package and smelling the sweetness even before the first bite. We would try to eat the chocolate off first or better yet sperate the marshmallow part from the biscuit.

Back then I liked the taste of marshmallow , add the biscuit and chocolate ...yum.

These days this is not a go to for me as I'm not so fond of marhmellows anymore.

If I wanted to share one of these with my children I would have to have someone from Canada send me a box. Can't buy them here, or that I have found anyway.

So searching I go and I come across a similar treat.

A US treat called the moon pie.

I have yet to try one of these ,

and come to think of it I have never actually seen them in the stores where I shop.

Perhaps they are an East coast treat??

These pies mention graham crackers as the cookie, with the chocolate and marshmellow.

Wonder if they are similar in flavor and texture to the Canadian rival.

Perhaps someday I'll try a moon pie,

but for now I will leave my fond memories behind with the wagon wheel.

(click each image to read the history behind each product, wonder who came first?)

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